the musings of a mad man

Sunday, March 05, 2006

What grinds my gears...

So here's the frustrating thing...last weekend Jamie and my bro and I went surfing, we went to South Bay Scarborough in England, see above (I've been to Scarborough beach in Perth WA Australia and needless to say it's a lot different, see below)

anyway we had a fairly good surf (you can check out the jackrabbitt forum for a bit more of an explanation of the event)....but the thing is I've not been out surfing in a while so when I do get out it always affects me and I just want/need to go again. So monday morning I'm sat in front of my screen doing my nine to five when I decide to take a look at the surf report for the next week (check out magicseaweed for all those interested, its great) I find myself looking for my next hit and on the long range report it looks good. Myself and Steve (my work colleague) are always checking the forecasts looking for whats happening and then we inevitably start talking surf and what we did "this one time and surf camp" or some other story and so we build up even more anticipation for the weekend and throughout the week we do the same almost every other day.....but do you know what really grinds my gears?!!!!!

It's when you get a great bit of swell activity building up for the weekend, only to find that come saturday when you're not chained to the desk that the swell has disapeared or has turned to mush or its pushed on into next week when you can bet that it will be firing when you're sat back at your desk monday morning!! Grrr!!!


Blogger JimBob said...

i believe they call it sod's law - or mourphy's law... life can be a pisser

10:34 pm

Blogger JimBob said...

sorry Murphy's law :)

10:34 pm


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