the musings of a mad man

Monday, March 06, 2006

Whats new...

...well nothing it would seem, I dont really know what that statement is about it just popped into my head. Anyways, I'm sat here at my computer trying to sort out my portfolio of work for a meeting I'm heving on wednesday but I really find it hard to focus on this, I suppose its cos its work I did what seems like eons ago and I have just lost enthusiasm for it. I have to admit that I am one of those annoying people who has a limited attention spand. Ask any of my mates and they'll tell you that I've been into or done pretty much everything, climbing, motorbikes, running, golfing, mountain biking...twice, bass guitar, drums, piano and classical guitar. An unending stream of things and music and films and games go through my head and out the other side. I notice that often people take this as a negative thing (I'm sure it stems from what your teachers used to say to you as a child) but, I see it as a positive personality trait.....for me I want to experience everything I possibly can while I'm alive and at the age of 30 approaching 31 fast I think how fast my life has already gone and it just makes me want to do more stuff. Before I die I wanna fly a plane, heli-board in back country, scubadive, go to Asia go to the states, live in France, build a hospital in Africa, mountain bike through south america, go to Iceland, have kids, drive a a race, skydive, travel the world, meet as many people as possible, speak seven languages, go to Israel, meet a film star, meet a rock star, be a support act to a band I like, make God smile and open a cafe....where I can hang out with my mates. You get the picture.....I JUST LOVE LIFE and I want to experience all it has to offer, I so do not want to be sat at a desk for the next 35 years of my life to finally reach retirement and realise I can't do all those things cos my kness are knackered! Rant over I will now get on with that work I was putting off. Peace.

My longest running interest is fast cars, even as a kid of 4 or 5 i loved my 911s.


Blogger JimBob said...

Why do you want to go to Iceland.... buy your frozen peas somewhere else man!! ha ha (the humour is endless).

Hope your "meeting" went well. and i think the reason why some people see your multi-hobby attitude as negative is becasue of the financial impications. You spent a lot of money on each one; but hey, thats your choice, right!!

5:44 pm


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